In The News

Wells Plastic Surgery In The News

You may have seen Wells Plastic Surgery & Skin Care on broadcast news, on the pages of magazines or on social media. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest information on new skin care or plastic surgery treatments, procedures and technologies. Social Media is where you will find our latest offerings and upcoming events as well. Our Wells Plastic Surgery channels on YouTube feature videos and televised interviews about our surgical procedures and skin care treatments.

Wells Plastic Surgery & Skin Care is located 1707 Nicholasville Road in Lexington, KY. We are directly across from Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. Our office is also just two blocks from the University of Kentucky campus. Our location features a AAAA Certified in-office surgical suite where Dr. Wells performs all his surgeries. This saves you hospital fees while offering a comfortable, easily accessible and discreet location for your procedure.

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Here are just a few examples of Dr. Henry Wells, Susan Wells and Wells Plastic Surgery & Skin Care's presence in the news. Stay tuned!

The Evolution Of The Facelift

Wells Plastic Surgery & Skin Care Has a New Home

Dr. Wells Wins Herald Leader Readers’ Choice

Wells Plastic Surgery Did You Know… Wells Plastic Surgery

Wells Plastic Surgery Did You Know… Wells Plastic Surgery

Wells Plastic Surgery Did you Know…
Wells Plastic Surgery

Wells Plastic Surgery & Skin Care
Tops In Lex Magazine

Wells Plastic Surgery Named Allergan Diamond Practice
Tops In Lex Magazine

“There’s a DOC for That”
Tops In Lex Magazine

“Head-to-Toe Makeover” featuring Wells Plastic Surgery & Skin Care
New Beauty Magazine

Wells Plastic Surgery and Skin Care

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