BBL Laser Treatments in Lexington, KY

BBL Laser Will Help Your Skin Look Younger

BBL, or Broadband Light, is a brand of Sciton Intense Pulsed Light technology. It delivers light therapy that targets signs of aging and restores a more refreshed youthful appearance. This laser technology improves the appearance of photo-aged skin by removing age spots, like sun induced freckles and most benign brown pigments. BBL also addresses redness caused by broken capillaries through a process called photo-rejuvenation. Broadband Light treatment is for both face and body, resulting in more even skin tone.

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What Issues Can Be Treated With Bbl Or IPL?

  • Reduces age and sun spots
  • Reduces appearance of freckles
  • Lessens redness
  • Reduces small vessels like spider veins
  • Improves Rosacea
  • Controls active acne

The BBL Laser Treatment

All areas of the body can be treated with Sciton BBL. Many patients describe their BBL treatment as light snapping of a rubber band against your skin. The sensation only lasts as long as the quick pulse of light.

How Does A BBL Laser Treatment Work?

BBL works by emitting pulse light energy. This energy is absorbed by targets in the skin that are either pigmented or vascular lesions. The treated tissue is then removed through the body’s natural healing process, resulting in a more even and youthful appearance.

What To Expect After Your BBL Laser Treatment

There is virtually no downtime with BBL. You can apply makeup a couple of hours after a treatment. You can also return to work the same day, with only mild redness that may look and feel like a sunburn. This is a great procedure for clients with a busy schedule. Be aware that your skin will be sensitive to sunlight. Immediately apply medical grade sunscreen as directed.

How Many Treatments Are Necessary?

Every patient is different. A customized skin care plan will be developed for you to achieve your desired result. Most patients need a series of 3 to 6 BBL treatments. you will get better results by spacing treatments about 4 weeks apart. Your skin care specialist will recommend regular restorative maintenance treatments for long-term improvement.

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