Facelift in Lexington, KY

When the effects of aging become more than what topical creams or cosmetic injectables can resolve, a Facelift may be the best option to ensure you age with grace. When a qualified Surgeon performs the procedure properly, the results can rejuvenate your facial appearance with a subtle yet significant outcome.

Board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Henry Wells Jr., and Dr. Sara Soni-Kalma provide patients with long-lasting facial beauty, correcting the effects from the natural aging process.

Before & After Gallery

Be sure to view our Before and After Photo Gallery of Facelifts to see real patient results at Wells Plastic Surgery.

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Before And After

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Additional Options

In addition to a Facelift, there are other procedures to consider to achieve optimum results. Along with cosmetic surgery, there are great non-surgical treatment options which can enhance your Facelift results and bring back a more youthful appearance.


Brow Lift

  • Eye Lift – Upper &/or Lower
  • Lower Face & Neck Lift
  • Neck Lift
  • Lip Lift


These options can greatly enhance the quality of the skin by minimizing wrinkles and fine lines, decreasing hyper-pigmentation, adding lost volume and much more.

The Facelift Procedure

The Consultation: During a consultation with Plastic Surgeons Dr. Wells or Dr. Soni-Kalma, they will help you determine your cosmetic goals and the best steps to reach them. They typically spend a full hour on a consult to ensure they answer all your questions and address your concerns.

The Surgery: If multiple treatments are necessary, the procedure typically begins with the Facelift, and depending on the extent of the work, may require four to eight hours to complete.

  • Outpatient Surgery: Dr. Wells and Dr. Soni-Kalma perform Facelifts as an outpatient procedure, in our QuadA in- house surgical suite.
  • Post-Operative Care: Our staff will keep the patient informed on each step of the recovery process, including monitoring post-operative swelling. Patients may shower and shampoo after 48 hours. Visible sutures will be removed on the seventh day following the operation. Also, the team will use ultrasound therapy to help the healing progress.
  • Resuming Activities: Makeup can be applied seven days after surgery. The Wells Skin Care team will step in and help with camouflage makeup to use during recovery. Expect to resume normal activities within two to three weeks.

Why Undergo A Facelift

  • Age: Age plays the greatest role in the appearance and the need to have a Facelift, but genetics and skin type also play their part.
  • Sagging Jowls & Sallow Cheeks: With aging, we lose fat and facial volume, resulting in sagging jowls and sallow or sunken cheeks.
  • Over-exposure to the sun: Sun exposure damages the skin, causing it to become wrinkled and lose its elasticity, increasing the appearance of aging.

Facelift Before & After Photos

Click to see Wells Plastic Surgery before and after photos for Facelift surgery.

For more information about Facelift Surgery, call Wells Plastic Surgery & Skin Care at 859.255.6649  or schedule a consultation today.

*individual results and experience may vary

Facelift FAQS

Q: Who is a candidate for a Facelift?

A: The typical candidate for Facelift surgery is a patient whose facial skin has wrinkles and lines about the mid-face and can notice the emergence of jowls and banding of the neck. A well-defined, strong bone structure is crucial for a good outcome. Patients are good candidates when their weight is stable, are in good general health, and don’t smoke. A patient must have realistic expectations and a positive outlook to achieve optimal results.

Q: How long does a Facelift last?

A: Facelift results vary from patient to patient, depending on individual lifestyle, amount of sun exposure, skin tone, and skin elasticity. However, most patients can expect the results to last from 8 to 10 years. Even after a decade, the patient will still look younger than they would if they did not have the procedure. A follow-up procedure is possible after ten years.

Q: Is their pain involved with a Facelift?

A: Most patients are surprised at how tolerable Facelift surgery is regarding pain. You may experience some initial minor discomfort. Dr. Wells or Dr. Soni-Kalma will prescribe pain medication to alleviate any discomfort following Facelift surgery. It is rare for patients to complain about unmanageable pain after Facelift surgery, although tightness may be prevalent for the first few days.

Q: When should I consider Facelift surgery?

A: A Facelift is a personal decision which requires a customized procedure. With options and techniques available to ensure the desired outcome of each patient. A consultation with your Surgeon will explain what can and cannot be achieved by a Facelift. Each patient should understand if their desired results are consistent with the realistic capabilities of Facelift surgery. There has been a trend of patients seeking aesthetic help with their facial appearance at younger ages than before. This trending is because less invasive methods are available to fight against the aging process. By choosing Facelift surgery at a younger age, the results last longer because facial structures are strong.

Q: Should I wait to have Facelift surgery if I am overweight?

A: We recommend a patient be at a reasonable weight before considering facelift surgery. Facelift surgery is good for patients who have lost significant weight due to diet and exercise or gastric bypass surgery. The procedure will excise excess skin that sags and reposition the underlying tissue.

Q: Is Facelift surgery different for men?

A: Male patients are becoming more interested in improving the appearance of their lower faces and necks, as well as their eyes. We see more lower face and neck lifts now in men than ever before. Men want to keep their competitive advantage in the workplace by maintaining a youthful appearance.

Q: Can I have a Facelift if I smoke?

A: No. Smoking will negatively affect your capacity to heal. If you smoke, you must quit at least three weeks before surgery and refrain for two weeks afterward. Smoking will decrease circulation and damage the skin. If possible, stopping smoking entirely after your Facelift will make your Facelift investment last much longer.

Q: Can a Facelift be done with other facial cosmetic procedures?

A: A Facelift can be done concurrently with a Rhinoplasty, Eyelift, Browlift, Neck Lift, Lip Lift or it can be done as a standalone procedure. A patient should discuss with Dr. Wells or Dr. Soni-Kalma any aesthetic concerns they may have and decide on a surgical plan to resolve their issues.

Wells Plastic Surgery and Skin Care

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