Men’s Non-Surgical Services in Lexington, KY

Skin Care For Men – It’s Not Just For Women Anymore

It is now very common for skin care waiting rooms to have their share of men waiting for appointments. With effective and easy skin care treatments avalible for anti-ageing, more men want to look younger, less stressed, and more relaxed. From Botox to dermal fillers, men's facial rejuvenation is on the rise.

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Anti-wrinkle Treatments – “BRO-TOX”

Botox is an extremely effective and simple injection that relaxes facial muscles in the forehead, around the eyes and between the brows, softening and improving wrinkles in these areas. With little to no down time, you can go back to work shortly after your appointment. Botox treatments last approximately 3 months, and multiple areas can be treated in a single appointment. (See Before & After Photos)

Botox Before & After

Injectable Fillers

Fillers such as Juvederm, Voluma and Sculptra, are popular injectables for men.  Volume loss in the face can result in deep shadows and loss of luminescence and injectable filler can soften the harsh contours that happen with age.  All of our injectable services are done  in the office, with little recovery time. Wells Sculptra Center of Excellence performs more Sculptra advanced injectables that any other practice in the area.

(See Before & After Photos)

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Voluma and Juvederm Ultra Plus, in combination with micro-needling and Botox.

What People Say About Us!

I am extremely pleased with the procedure done by Dr. Wells. Dr. Wells and his staff provided excellent information to me prior to my procedure and professional follow up care. I recommend him highly.

Click here to read more reviews.

Laser Hair Reduction

Forever Bare BBL from Sciton is a revolutionary technology in Laser Hair Reduction. Forever Bare BBL provides a treatment that is safe, fast, comfortable and effective for all skin types, and provides long lasting results.

Laser Hair Reduction - Before & After

Laser Hair Reduction Before and After

Laser And Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

IPL or Intense Pulsed Light, is innovative technology that uniquely delivers light therapy targeting the signs of ageing and sun damage and effectively provides a more refreshed, rejuvenated and youthful appearance.  IPL treats a wide variety of conditions, including

  • Hyperpigmentation (brown spots)
  • Sun Damage
  • Rosacea
  • Facial vessels and redness

Laser treatments improve the skin by:

  • Stimulating new collagen growth
  • Improves the texture and color of the skin
  • Firms and tones the skin
  • Minimizes fine lines
  • Gives skin a refreshed and rested appearance

Because there is no extended healing time or specialized care necessary afterwards, Laser and IPL are an ideal rejuvenating skin treatments for men.  (See Before & After Photos)

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Wells Plastic Surgery and Skin Care

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