Lip Lift in Lexington, KY

Make A Dramatic Improvement In The Youthful Appearance Of Your Face with a Lip Lift.

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A Lip Lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that improves the appearance of the lips by increasing the prominence of the vermilion border around the edge of the upper lip. This is done by shortening the upper lip area. By shortening this area it gives lips a fuller, more aesthetically pleasing shape and prominence.

A Lip Lift procedure is distinguished from lip enhancement which is the non-surgical augmentation of the lips done with injectable dermal filler.

An Upper Lip Lift is for patients who are unhappy with the length of their upper lip area. It also is for patients who want more prominent, fuller looking lips. This helps you appear younger and more youthful, as the area above the lips becomes lax and lengthens with age.

The upper lip refers to the area between the middle column of the nose and the beginning of the pink area of the lip. An ideal length of this area is approximately 12-15 millimetres, and varies with the individual patients features. A Lip Lift will adjust the upper lip to fall within this optimal range.

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Actual Wells Patient

The Lip Lift Procedure

The approach Dr. Wells and Dr. Soni-Kalma use is the bullhorn upper Lip Lift. It involves making a gull wing shaped incision directly under the nose where it meets the upper lip. This is also known as a sub-nasal upper lip lift, since the incision is placed below the nose. Refer to this diagram which shows the shape of the incision. You can see that it looks like a bullhorn shape or gull wing shape. Incisions follow the natural shape of the area just below the nose, which easily hides your scar. The area of skin within the bullhorn incision is removed, lifted and edges sutured together in the deep layers of the skin to reduce visibility of the suture line.

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Lip Lift recovery is approximately 5-7 days before sutures are removed and swelling decreases. You will experience a moderate amount of swelling the first 72 hours, treated with cold compresses. Pain is minimal and controlled with oral pain reliever. The procedure is outpatient, performed in our in-house surgical suite, and takes about two hours.

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