Skin Classic in Lexington, KY

How Do Skin Classic Treatments Work?

Skin Classic is a fast, effective and safe solution for removing minor skin irregularities. High Frequency Epilation, in other words radio frequency, is administered with a pen-like device on the lesion or spot. This precise application targets and destroys the tissue and inter-cellular fluid only in the damaged cells. It has with no impact on the surrounding healthy tissue. As a result your dark spots and skin lesions are removed quickly and easily. Unsightly skin tags are easily removed with Skin Classic radio frequency treatments.

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What Can Skin Classic Treat?

  • Sun Spots and Age Spots
  • Skin Tags
  • Millia
  • Seborrheic Keratosis
  • Cherry Angioma or red moles
  • Telangiectasia or small broken vessels

Skin Classic - Before & After


What do our clients say?

“I couldn’t believe how easy this was.  I had a large age spot beside my eye and another on my breastbone.  Both were front and center. I wish I had known about this sooner because it was quick and inexpensive, and I swear I look younger without the spots.”  Denise K.

Click here to read more reviews.

Contact us Today!

Contact us today in Lexington to schedule your appointment at 859.255.6649.

Wells Plastic Surgery and Skin Care

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