
Wells Plastic Surgery and Skin Care is rated 5 out of 5.0 based on 47 ratings.

I feel wonderful. And I’m pretty sure that if my ears had stayed that way there would be a whole new set of bullies coming to school every year to pick on me. Now the worries are gone. I’d tell anyone that if kids are bullying you, go see Dr. Wells.


Dr. Wells gave me my confidence back in myself by doing a wonderful job on my breasts. I feel more of a woman now.


I am an advocate of aging gracefully. However, the deep wrinkle between the brows made me look angry and tired. After receiving Botox, I look refreshed and felt more confident. Thank you, Susan, for a great job!

Betty, Lexington, KY

I have clenched my teeth at night for many years, going through many bite guards – sometimes biting right through them. I sometimes woke up with a slight headache and sore jaw. It made it hard to fall asleep. One Botox injection in the masseter muscles on either side of my jaw gave me immediate relief. I had the best nights sleep I had had in years and the effect lasted for months.


I am extremely pleased with the procedure done by Dr. Wells. Dr. Wells and his staff provided excellent information to me prior to my procedure and professional follow up care. I recommend him highly.

John, Lexington, KY

I love the results from the surgery. I am so confident now and happy.


Before I had surgery I was very self conscious about my body and the clothes I wore. After having my surgery I can wear anything I want and I feel great. The staff at Dr. Wells office is the best. They are so caring.


I love the results of my surgery. I would tell any mother that is thinking of having the surgery to do this for herself. I also love the staff and Dr. Wells – they were all great.


Naturally, I felt nervous when I was thinking about changing a part of my body, but my nerves were soon put to ease after talking to Dr. Wells and his staff. They made me feel comfortable and confident about my Rhinoplasty and the results are exactly how I imagined. I could not be happier!

Emily, Lexington, KY

I’m well pleased with my reduction. I would do it again. It has made me feel so good about myself, it really boosted my self-esteem. Dr. Wells was great with me he answered all my questions, and I had great confidence in his work and himself as a person.


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