Frequently Asked Questions about Rejuvapen

Rejuvapen is an amazing breakthrough in skin care that yields amazing results quickly with almost no downtime. Rejuvapen’s nine precisely spaced micro needles create tiny perforations in the top two layers of the skin. The skin shifts its repair mechanism into high gear, producing collagen and elastin to mend these micro-perforations. This is a 100% natural form of skin renewal, repairing from the inside out. Your skin will be firmer and regain its elasticity, so fine lines and wrinkles become visibly reduced, pores are smaller, and you look younger.

With every new procedure comes questions, and these should answer many of yours.

Q: What results can I expect from Rejuvapen?

A: Skin becomes firmer, regains its elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles are visibly reduced, pores are smaller and circulation is stimulated so the overall condition and appearance of the skin improves.

Q: What skin problems does Rejuvapen primarily address?

A: Rejuvapen addresses fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, hyper-pigmentation and skin texture by stimulating the skin’s natural ability to produce new collagen formation creating healthier skin.

Q: What areas are typical for Rejuvapen treatments?

A: The forehead, around the eyes, cheeks, around the mouth, neck and chest are treated most often, but Rejuvapen can be used on problem areas like surgical scarring to reduce prominence.

Q: How long does is a treatment with Rejuvapen?

A: Procedure time ranges from 30-60 minutes per area depending on the treatment area.

Q: Is it painful and is pain medication involved?

A: All it requires is a topical numbing agent on for 15 minutes before your Rejuvapen procedure. Individualized settings allows for treatments to be adjusted to any skin type and sensitivity level.

Q: What is the recovery time after a Rejuvapen treatment?

A: There is very little down time. Patients will be pink – it will look like a sunburn and feel like a mild windburn – for only about 24 hours. You can resume normal activity immediately after the procedure including driving yourself home. Your practitioner will prescribe a post-procedure skincare regime to optimize healing.

Q: How many procedures does it take to see results.

A: You will actually see visible results after the first treatment, and results improve after subsequent treatments. It is recommended to have 3-4 treatments for optimal results.

Q: How do you get started on a Rejuvapen regimen?

A: Schedule a consultation to ensure that Rejuvapen is the right treatment for you, then schedule individual treatments over the next 3-4 months (based on the recommendation of your skin care professional). If you have a history of cold sores you will need to pretreat with anti-virals to prevent an outbreak post procedure.

Wells Plastic Surgery and Skin Care

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