Meetings in Denver

Susan and I recently returned from the American Society of Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgery Nurses meetings in Denver, Colorado.  I was asked to give a presentation on the Peri-operative nursing care of a Mommy Makeover patient.  I spoke directly to the nurses and shared the success our office has had in taking care of our Mommy Makeovers.  As you well know, a Mommy Makeover is a very popular procedure and it sparked a lot of interest.

We had a great time and I met some wonderful people who I will look forward to seeing again in the future.  The weather in Denver was fabulous, which I hear is typical.  Everyday had brilliant sunshine with temperatures in the  mid 70s and low 80s.  The food was great.  If you are in Denver anytime soon and like Mediterranean food I would heartily recommend Rioja, which is a wonderful restaurant with a Spanish flavor in downtown Denver.

Aside from the food and weather, the meeting was great.  One of the concerns that face plastic surgery nurses and plastic surgeons alike, is the proliferation of highly discounted skin care services that are largely unsupervised and provided by personnel with marginal training.  In our practice we strongly believe in integrated care which provides the patient with both aesthetic and medically based care.  We also try to provide our patients with the greatest value for their skincare dollar.  That is not to say we are are least expensive, but we do feel that we offer you the greatest return on your investment in terms of results and service.  There are many great medically based spas and skin care centers throughout the country who share this philosophy.  I know it is hard to resist bargain-basement Botox when you’re on a budget.  However, skincare, like medical care, is a service.  The value of which depends on how the service is provided and not solely on the cost of the products that are used.  A result the is less than satisfactory is not a good deal.

Henry G. Wells Jr., MD, PSC

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