The Milleniums

You were born in the 80s and 90s and you prefer texting to talking.  You have a job, but not necessarily a career. While rest of us surf the web Millenniums or Millennials were born and raised there. If you think your breasts are not enough or your nose is too much, you can travel the information highway to a destination to achieve your goals.  You’ve always been ‘young’. Getting older for Millennial is hard to comprehend.

As a plastic surgeon, and as an unwilling participant, I know about aging. “Beauty for Life” is a concept of the American Society of Aesthetic Surgery which provides aesthetic care guidelines for the various stages of life. The approach is proactive. The products and services we use protect and preserve skin health. Retin-A and Hydroquinone help make the skin smoother and fade blemishes. For more severe damage we have Fraxel and IPL therapy.  Botox can weaken muscles that lead to deep wrinkles and frown lines. Latisse can make eyelashes longer and fuller. Our home care products are tailored to your needs and life style. The passage of time is inevitable but the aging process should be managed. That’s what we do.

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